Let’s talk about hair color services. It is getting warm and I am sure many of you would like to spice your hair color up. First things first knowing your hair color choices. Here are some of your color choices: temporary , demi-permanent ,permanent,and high lift . Your choices will vary based on the health of your hair. If your hair is in great condition you may receive any of these hair color services. If your hair is in good condition you may receive all but the high lift service. If your hair is not in good condition and you are experiencing issues,( breakage, dryness,and,etc) , temporary color is going to be your best bet. Demi- permanent color can be used to cover grey and give you a little lift. The lift will depend on your natural hair color. If you would like to spice up your hair for the summer ,give us a call at 864-283-0555. Check out our website at